The Four Franchise Buying Styles

In the early 1920s, an American psychologist named William Moulton Marston  subscribed to the idea that there are four dominant communication and behavior styles. Marston discovered those who possess similar characteristics also happen to speak, listen, process information, make decisions and produce results in similar fashion,, classifying franchise buyers as the Action Hero, Comedian, Faithful Sidekick and Private Eye.


Action Hero

Action Hero’s are visionary, entrepreneurial, results-oriented and big-picture thinkers.  They are strategic and efficient, pushing for the quickest, easiest and simplest way to produce results. They would buy a franchise because, “It is an efficient use of resources and the quickest and easiest way to achieve my objectives.” They see the franchisor as a strategic partner but would predictably arm wrestle from time to time over issues of control.
Keys to communicating: Get right down to business. State your objectives for the call up front and ask what they are looking to achieve. State a simple agenda and get their buy-in. Implement the “3 B” communications strategy: be good, be brief and be gone.  Have clear follow-up, knowing who does what and by when. Don’t challenge their opinions or they might get argumentative. Instead, ask permission first: “Would you be open to hearing any data contrary to your opinion?”


Comedians are outgoing, gregarious, influential, charismatic leaders, personifying the typical sales and marketing personality. They are optimistic and entrepreneurial and work well on a team. They are brilliant at sales and marketing and make work fun. They see the franchisor as a teammate and seek to build deep personal relationships with the franchisor’s staff. They need to align the business with their identity, looking to see themselves in the business.

Keys to communicating: Chit chat. Get to know them as people. Ask personal questions and expect them to ask the same of you. They only do business with friends, so be informal. Have an agenda for every call, but let them zig-zag in the middle. Move quickly. Crack jokes. Ask questions that get them back on agenda as they drift. Put all follow-up action items in writing.   

Faithful Sidekick

Faithful Sidekicks are slow, methodical and data-based decision makers.  Like the Comedians, they are strong relationship builders, but more low-key and better listeners.  They follow processes and systems. They see the franchisor as an “insurance policy,” thinking, “I would rather hit a single or double with a high degree of predictability than hit a homerun but incur more risk.” They are motivated by security and stability, and they want to belong to a larger group.

Keys to communicating: Slow down. Have an agenda for every call with clear action items. They ask many questions and prefer detailed answers, so leave time for these calls. Ask questions to draw them out. They may not volunteer information unless asked. End calls with clear action steps. They take a longer time to make decisions than Comedians or Action Heros. Don’t push them too hard or they will shut down.

 Private Eye

Private Eyes are highly informed, analytical, data-based decision makers. You have to create a solid case as to why the business is unique, profitable, necessary to the customer and sustainable for the long haul. They follow processes and systems to the letter. They are very quality driven and excel in the technical parts of a business. They prefer to work alone.  

Keys to communicating: They move slowly and methodically, collecting reams of data and asking many questions. They are very risk-averse and may appear to be low on trust or lacking confidence. They are professional in their approach, and it is wise to respect that boundary. Don’t try to be “buddy buddy,” as they will see this as unprofessional and that might create a trust issue. Have an agenda for every call.  Follow the agenda closely without jumping around. End meetings with clear action items, detailing who will do what and by when.

Predicting Buying Styles on the Fly

When on a call, listen for speed and pitch. All fast-talking, expressive “headliners” are either Action Heros or Comedians. In face-to-face meetings they talk with their hands. If you encounter a fast talking, expressive headliner, immediately create some professional distance. Action Heros will respect the boundary and engage you formally.  Comedians will cross the boundary by asking you personal questions.

Conversely, if you immediately experience someone as slow talking, more monotone, and who speaks in whole and complete sentences, know you are talking to either a Faithful Sidekick or a Private Eye.

A simple rule of thumb is that franchisee recruiters want to recruit according to their style. However, franchise buyers want to buy according to their style. The best recruiters are masterful at simply letting buyers buy, giving them what they need and how they need it to make an intelligent decision.

By Joe Mathews, CEO of Franchise Performance Group

Let us hold your hand through the world of franchising


Post-Brexit Franchising Advice from the Experts

March 31, 2017
Prime Minister Teresa May triggered Article 50 on Wednesday, the 29th of March, officially beginning proceedings for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
Over the next two years, the United Kingdom and the 27 countries of the European Union will negotiate deals on international trade, including access and restrictions to the free market, amongst numerous other issues.
While it is certainly not an instantaneous exit, businesses in the UK are looking ahead to what this means for them and their livelihood. There’s no denying that there is uncertainty swirling around the value of the pound, the upcoming divorce negotiations, and the future relationship between the UK and the EU, but after all, it is the British way to keep calm and carry on, so there is no need to panic.
There’s also no need to cast aside your plans to franchise your business or scrap the idea of opening a franchise.
Franchise Direct spoke to several franchise consultants about the advice they’re offering their clients now that Brexit is underway. Many expressed positive aspects for businesses, particularly those with international aims and those in the tourism industry. Hear what they have to say below!
Post-Brexit Franchising Advice from the Experts

“We are helping a lot of companies to franchise internationally, and despite all the negatives we are finding a British brand is very well-received, especially in the Middle East and Asia. A lower sterling can only help the franchise be more attractive. My advice to franchisors is to be confident in their service or product; the world is a lot smaller today and there are countless opportunities outside Europe.” —Rod Hindmarsh, How2Franchise

“We are in the process of designing a new franchise in the tourism sector, which we believe will be very positively affected by the UK’s current exchange rates favouring visitors to the UK. Positive exchange rates for UK exporters are all good news, but don’t necessarily filter down directly to a single unit franchisee. For those in the hotel sector, tourism, or any connected line of business, a better exchange rate — in addition to encouraging visitors to the UK — will discourage domestic customers from holidaying or travelling elsewhere, which means more money is spent in the UK rather than abroad. That can only be good news for those franchises in this sector.” –Andy Cheetham, Lime Licensing Group

“Potential franchisees are investing for the next five years; it is intended to be a long-term, renewable, relationship — life-changing for them. Once they have made a decision to get on with it, my advice would be they should press ahead on the basis that Brexit, itself, will not affect many businesses in the UK who are buying and selling with other UK citizens. If the business they are buying into is dependent on an international supply chain that could genuinely be affected by Brexit, of course they should ask questions to satisfy themselves that they would be protected in the event that an alternative supplier had to be found locally.
“One point to consider for them, I suggest, is that the nature of the concept they are investing into should be one that is sustainable through all types of economic weather. If they are going into something which is in a fashion or fad or has reliance on people’s discretional/marginal spending, then it would be important for them to be linked with a brand that is strong in its market with positive reviews from clients, as those are the ones that are likely to continue more readily through temporary downturns.

“In our view the most important concerns for potential franchisors, potential franchisees and those going overseas is simple – the business system should be proven profitable and resilient. These features carry businesses through challenges, come what may. Franchising remains a great way to do business.” –Nick Williams, Ashton’s Franchise Consulting

Post by Anne Rowan

Serving the franchise industry for 20 years

Taking the first tentative steps on the road to franchising can be somewhat daunting.  This is where we can help you franchise your business with our step by step approach – a strategy How 2 Franchise have fine-tuned throughout the course of our career spanning over 20 years in the world of franchising.  Our experience allows us to teach you the best methods and structures whilst avoiding the most common pitfalls and mistakes.


We can support you in every aspect of franchising. If you are thinking of franchising your business, we can complete most of the work on your behalf, or you can save costs and purchase our D.I.Y professional franchise template documents.  This Includes Everything You Need To ‘Franchise My Business’.

We will sculpt and shape the idea you have for your business, inform you of all the costs and steer you away from the many pitfalls.  We Do The Work For You – 95% of the franchising work is carried out by our team, leaving you to focus on your core business.

Find out more here or contact How2Franchise direct below.

Will Small Business Owners and Franchisees Survive President Trump?


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s name alone is often enough to anger many people – but most American small business owners are not among his critics.

Small business owners are not concerned that Trump has caused controversy with his comments on Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, women, immigrants and other groups – which will not be rehashed here. Based on polling data compiled by the People’s Pundit Daily and other organizations, small business owners favored Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton by a wide margin. In other words, small business owners strongly support his economic agenda.

That begs the question: What can small business owners, including franchisees, expect from Trump’s presidency?

Election win sparks more optimism

Simply put, small business owners and, in turn franchise operators, are looking to do better under Trump than they did with outgoing President Barack Obama.

Obvious proof came in a Wells Fargo report, released Dec. 8, which showed that small business owners had a post-election surge in optimism. According to the report, based on a survey of 602 small business owners from Nov. 11 to 17, the Wells-Fargo Small Business Index, which measures owners’ optimism, rose to 80 from 68 in July and 58 a year earlier. In fact, the 80 mark was the highest mark since the 83 registered in January 2008, when the Great Recession was just moving into high gear.

Furthermore, the Wells Fargo survey found that small business owners, which include franchisees, and in many cases franchisors, are boosting efforts to hire more workers. According to the survey results, a record 36 per cent plan to hire “a little or a lot” in the next 12 months, up from 21 per cent in July. As the Associated Press noted, these findings came after small business owners were reluctant to hire or expand in recent years.

Most small business owners believe that they will have more access to credit under Trump and slightly more than half of respondents think actions by Trump’s Republican administration will make their companies better off. The majority (61 per cent) are also confident that Trump will focus on issues important to them as business owners.

The Wells Fargo report also shows that a majority of small business owners – 58 per cent, up from 48 per cent in July – also expect their revenues to rise over the next year. In addition, 77 per cent, compared to 73 per cent in July, anticipate that their companies’ financial situation will be good between now and 2018.

“The latest overall Index score tells us that business owners are feeling positive about the future and have a renewed sense of confidence as they look to the year ahead,” said Mark Vitner, Managing Director and Senior Economist for Wells Fargo Securities, in a news release. “Not only do small business owners report that the operating environment for their businesses will be better in 2017 than it was in 2016, but business owners are anticipating growth for their businesses in the new year as more plan to increase their capital spending, add staff and apply for credit.”

Consumers have confidence in new president

Small business owners, particularly franchisees, want – and expect – the White House to provide consumers with hope for a strong economy (especially in the post-recession era). Such hope leads to increased consumer confidence – namely customers’ belief that they can afford to spend their discretionary income after meeting regular monthly expenses.

Although Trump has not taken office yet, consumers are showing more confidence than they did before the election. In December, the University of Michigan’s index of consumer sentiment rose to 98 from 93.8 in November. (The final November mark had risen after a preliminary reading of 91.6 reflected pre-election views.)

“The initial reading immediately after President-elect Donald J. Trump won the presidential election was a surge in confidence, a sentiment that continues several weeks after,” said economist Peter Curtin, the director of the University of Michigan survey, in a statement.

The December results came after findings for November showed a stark pre-election and post-election split with sentiment rising 8.2 points after the vote.

“The initial reaction of consumers to Trump’s victory was to express greater optimism about their personal finances as well as improved prospects for the national economy,” said economist Peter Curtin, the director of the University of Michigan survey, in a statement.

The survey results show that consumer optimism rose after the election. However, consumer expectations also jumped following Trump’s victory. The university reported that its index of consumer expectations reached 88.9 in early December – after an 8.4-point increase, to 85.2 from 76.8 after the election. According to Bloomberg, that increase was last exceeded in December 2011, and shows “households’ optimistic view on the outlook for the U.S. economy and their own pocketbooks.”

And, as Bloomberg’s Peter Coy noted, that “optimistic” description might have been an understatement because, based on the Michigan result, Americans are the most hopeful that they have been in more than a decade.

Americans’ income expectations have also rebounded since Trump won the election.

Implications for franchise operators

What do the aforementioned findings mean for franchise outlets?

Consumers appear likely to spend more money as Trump takes over the Oval Office. Based on that notion, existing franchise owners and potential franchisees have an impetus to open new franchise locations and expand existing operations, because they know that consumers are not planning to stay home and pinch pennies.

But as the University of Michigan’s Curtin suggested, consumer support for Trump should not be taken for granted.

“The upsurge in favorable economic prospects is not surprising given Trump’s populist policy views, and it was perhaps exaggerated by what most considered a surprising victory as well as by a widespread sense of relief that the election had finally ended,” stated Curtin. “To be sure, no surge in economic expectations can long be sustained without actual improvements in economic conditions. Presidential honeymoons represent a period in which the promise of gains holds sway over actual economic conditions. Presidential honeymoons, however, can quickly end if they are unaccompanied by prospects that economic conditions will actually improve in the future.”

Curtin believes that Trump “appears to” appreciate the importance of his first 100 days in office – meaning that he will implement change – and the key issue is whether his economic policies will resonate with the nation’s consumers.

If the University of Michigan’s forecast of a 2.5-per-cent increase in consumer spending holds true, Trump’s policies will definitely resonate.

Plans for deregulation cause delight

In addition to seeking greater consumer confidence, small business owners and, in turn, franchise operators, want Trump to deliver on his promise of more deregulation.

And, it appears that he will.

Trump has promised to scrap and replace the Affordable Care Act, the legislation behind Obamacare. With Republicans controlling both the House of Representatives and the Senate, he should have little trouble doing so. If he does follow through on his plan, as he is widely expected to, small business owners – including new and existing franchisees – are likely to utter a huge collective sigh of relief.

“Obamacare is causing a lot of pain amongst our business owners,” Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, told CNBC. “Costs (of health insurance coverage) were supposed to go down, not up. A surge in costs and lack of competition in the marketplace needs to be addressed, as does the complexity of the law. The employer mandate – not only costs of insurance, but complying with the new system – should be a priority.”

The employer mandate requires businesses with 50 or more workers to offer medical coverage or face penalties of up to $2,000 per worker per year.

Trump displayed his support for small business on his campaign website and made it clear that he is targeting what he calls over-regulation. In a meeting with New York Times reporters, editors and opinion columnists following his election victory, he said proposed reduced regulations are proving to be more popular than his proposed tax cuts for businesses of all sizes.

But make no mistake: Small businesses and, therefore, franchise operators, want Trump to implement tax cuts, too.

Tax cuts expected after inauguration

Promises of tax cuts, including tax reform, were heard often during Trump’s successful campaign, and they are expected to be addressed soon after his inauguration.

“Many small businesses are taxed as individuals on the owner’s 1040 (form) so the rates can be higher and deductions are limited or eliminated,” states Trump’s campaign website. “Payroll and (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) accounting and reporting can be very costly, and one mistake can lead the owner into great legal trouble.”

Such rhetoric would get many nods of agreement from small business owners, but it remains to be seen whether Trump will convert his words into action. In the meantime, Trump’s plans to reduce the number of tax brackets to three from seven and cut family and individual income taxes are also scoring big with small business owners, who also stand to gain personally in those areas.

But some critics contend that Trump’s tax cuts will not provide the advertised benefits for small business.

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, in Washington, D.C., told Fortune that Trump’s tax reform will benefit big corporations and the rich more than small businesses.

“There is fairly broad bipartisan support for the idea of lowering the corporate income tax rate and getting rid of most of the loopholes,” Baker said. “The problem has been that all the loopholes have major lobbies. I can envision a scenario in which we get a bill that lowers rates and only gets rid of a few trivial loopholes.”

Rhonda Abrams, a small business owner and author of 19 books including Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies, contends that Trump’s proposed small business tax cuts will not come to fruition.

“Your small business is almost certainly taxed on a ‘pass-through’ basis, meaning income is taxed as individual income, not corporate income,” Abrams wrote in USA Today. “Only ‘C’ corporations are likely to benefit from Trump’s cut. So big corporations and fewer than eight per cent of small companies would save on taxes. Good for your competitors.”

Critics doubt economic benefits

While criticizing the president-elect, Abrams also points to another key concern for small business owners – the economy as a whole.

“As a small-business owner, I know that nothing affects the health of my business – no specific policy or decision – as much as the health of the overall economy,” she wrote in the same USA Today piece. “Hundreds of business leaders, including billionaire investor Warren Buffett, HP’s Meg Whitman, Alphabet’s Eric Schmidt, Michael Bloomberg and the founders of Costco, Airbnb, Salesforce, Dish Network and many more, see Trump as a threat to the economic vitality of this country. That’s a risk most small-business owners shouldn’t want to take.”

However, many small business owners did take the risk – simply by voting for Trump. And, it is becoming increasingly evident that other American business sectors have confidence in him, too.

Investors banking on The Donald

Contrary to some pre-election prognostications, business owners are not pulling their money out and looking to invest anywhere but America.

All major indexes, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Standard & Poor’s 500 and Nasdaq have been hitting record highs on a repeat basis since the election. The Dow alone posted 14 record closes in the month after the election. Before Nov. 22, the Dow had not surpassed 19,000 in its 120-year history. As of this writing, the Dow is less than 100 points shy of 20,000.

These results were underpinned by investors’ confidence in a Trump presidency.

In another sign of business confidence in him and his policies, RBC put out a report listing 40 smaller and medium-sized firms that stand to gain from Trump’s presidency. And, the banking sector has tacitly supported Trump by making more capital available to businesses of all sizes – a situation that bodes well for new franchisees as they seek funds to help manage startup costs.

Minimum wage likely to cause friction

With the Republicans controlling Congress, Trump should have little trouble implementing most of the policies that apply to small business and franchising. But one issue – the federal minimum wage – could get thorny.

Trump’s choice of labor secretary, Andy Puzder, a franchising sector leader, has opposed the Obama administration’s efforts to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour from the current $7.25 per hour. Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants, the company that franchises the Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. fast-food outlets, and a board member of the International Franchise Association, has also strongly disagreed with a movement to boost the minimum to $15 per hour.

“Instead of creating a living wage, the fight for dramatic minimum-wage increases could leave millions with no wage at all,” he wrote in the Wall Street Journal in 2015.

Trump’s appointment of Puzder indicates that the new administration will not raise the minimum wage soon, but that stance will cause political friction because some states, including California and New York, along with cities like Seattle, have boosted their minimum wage levels beyond the federal mark.

Republicans in those jurisdictions and elsewhere will face considerable pressure to raise the bar and could suffer if Trump endorses a hard-line stance against doing so. Trump also knows that he might need to bend on the minimum wage if he wants to get other initiatives passed – because his own party can still block his efforts.

Of course, Democrats will also hammer Trump on the minimum wage, and he may need to avoid backlash to maintain his party’s grip on Congress during its next wave of elections in two years.

An inflexible stance on the minimum wage could also upset some small business owners. While some, particularly franchisees, want to toe the line on it in order to manage expenses, other operators want an increase so that employees will be happy and stay with their companies – and customers will have more purchasing power.

“We think it’s impossible to set a federal minimum wage,” Kerrigan of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council told CNBC.

Puzder will seek other employment-law changes

Regardless of what happens with the minimum wage, Trump’s rhetoric on Puzder’s appointment indicates that he wants him to impact small business in a big way.

“He will save small businesses from the crushing burdens of unnecessary regulations that are stunting job growth and suppressing wages,” Trump said in a statement.

You can bet that Puzder will seek new overtime pay rules. He has expressed strong opposition to the Obama administration’s large increase in the number of Americans eligible for overtime pay by including more salaried managers within the qualifying rules. Puzder has contended that the rule will hurt low-level managers trying to climb the economic ladder because employers will hold their hours in check to keep costs down.

Given Puzder’s franchising background, it is a given that he will strive to introduce policies that appeal to franchisors and franchisees alike.

The bottom line on Trump and small business

Some small business owners might dislike Trump’s murky stance on the federal minimum wage, but they will have few complaints otherwise.

The bottom line?

Most small business owners, including many franchise operators, believe that Donald Trump can, indeed, make America great again.

(Monte Stewart is a freelance journalist who writes about business, sports and other topics for several online and traditional print publications. He is a regular contributor to Franchise Chatter.)

Advice on Franchising Your Business

Franchising has proven itself to be a solid way to expand a business into a wider network, which is both robust and successful. However, the business has to be right for franchising and you cannot cut corners in the planning or investment.

Ensure you speak to a proper a franchise consultant and the franchise departments of the banks – all as a minimum. If you have a proven business and you are considering franchising it there are a number of considerations and some key steps to take:

Is your business model proven?

Has your business been proven to normally work for at least 12 months in the format you wish to franchise it?

Is the business model transferable?

It needs to work just as well in other regions if you expect to successfully franchise it.

Can the business model be taught?

Can you realistically teach someone to operate the franchise business to the required standards?

Is the franchise brand protected?

You need to ensure that your business and the brand is properly registered and protected.

Franchising your business can lead to rapid, profitable growth, but you need expert guidance to steer you through the maze to franchising success. Whether to franchise your business is a big decision and you need the best advice you can get. As the leaders in this field you can trust How2 to guide you through the process quickly, cost effectively and make it easy for you.

5 Reasons In-Person Meetings Still Matter

5 Reasons In-Person Meetings Still Matter

Here are five reasons:

1.Reduced distractions

How many times have you attended a virtual meeting only to be sidetracked by incoming emails from your colleagues or boss?  I am guilty; we all are. It is simply unavoidable.  
A recent InterCall survey found that of the 340 marketers surveyed, only 62 percent said they would log on from their office. Yet, more than a quarter of respondents were attending from bed (14 percent), their car (9 percent) or from the beach or swimming pool (5 percent)!

When attending an in-person event those innate virtual distractions are removed for participants. Also, it may sound odd, but the peer pressure of the other attendees in the room helps to keep attention on speakers.

2.Beyond the content

When event-goers pony up cash, invest time and take a flight to attend; they’re committed. And these attendees are more likely to take part in breakout sessions, post-event dinners and other networking events, leading to a more involved and complete experience.

Related: These 5 Mistakes Make Meetings a Huge Time Waste

When meetings are held in-person, there is a unique opportunity to get creative and leave a lasting impression about your brand and company culture. A live experience means that attendees can engage multiple senses that just cannot be duplicated with a computer.

3.Comfort zone eliminated

There is something invigorating about being in a room full of people who are as excited to talk about the same topic as you are. It can renew attendees’ excitement and focus about the topic of discussion.

Attendees are physically in a room with others that have the same learning goal but different backgrounds. This allows for meaningful relationships to grow beyond their industries.

4. Networking hurdles removed

Behind the screen is a not an effective place to meet people. The hurried nature of online events may help attendees “meet” a larger number of people, but the virtual world allows for less quality time to interact with others. 

An article, which recently appeared in Psychology Today, suggests that too much time behind a screen could hinder people’s ability to recognize emotions — a vital tool for building successful social relationships.

5. Let’s keep this ‘off the record’

When attending an in-person event, there is an opportunity to speak more freely in one-on-one situations. There is also a heightened sense of trust when meeting with someone in person vs. just speaking online — and less of a chance something will be taken out of context.

The next time you consider whether there is enough room on the budget to meet in person, consider these points. While the time and cost is a greater investment, it is worth exploring to reach the goals your organization is looking to achieve.

Why banks like to lend to franchise buyers

The pre-proven nature of franchising makes it a far safer bet for lending than stand-alone business start ups, a fact recognised by the Bank of Ireland and many other high street banks who offer specialist advice for prospective franchisees


There are currently over 270 different business format franchises in Ireland generating turnover of 2 billon euros and employing in excess of 25,000 people. These statistics prove the importance of franchising in our economy where continuing sector growth presents opportunities for people who wish to own their own business and work for themselves but not by themselves.

The combination of a strong franchise with a proven track record and an ambitious franchisee makes good business sense from a banking point of view. Failure rates for new franchise businesses are much lower than independent start ups making them a much more attractive lending prospect. A proven track record of operating profitably in the Irish market through a pilot operation should be strong enough for both a bank and the potential franchisee to be comfortable with the investment.

Bank of Ireland Business Banking recognises that franchising has become an integral part of our economy, which has experienced exceptional growth in recent years and as such we understand the importance and development potential of this sector in Ireland. For these reasons Bank of Ireland Business Banking is committed to working closely with new and existing customers to enable them to develop and grow their chosen franchising business. A lender will expect a potential franchisee to provide a portion of the total investment costs as equity, ranging from 30 per cent for established franchises to 50 per cent in the case of new franchises. The lending package can be a combination of asset finance, term debt and overdraft facilities. Bank of Ireland Business Banking can fund up to 70 per cent of set up costs for franchisees and the package can be a mix of all of the above products.

The costs involved in buying into a franchise can be a mixture of initial start up costs and ongoing costs. These costs can vary from thousands to hundreds of thousands of euros, depending on the type of franchise – whether it involves ‘a man in a van’ or a retail outlet. The initial start up costs can be broken down into: the deposit, initial franchise fee, premises/vehicle leasing costs; and working capital. The ongoing costs can include either a fixed monthly fee (payable irrespective of turnover) or a royalty fee (dependent on turnover) plus an advertising fee, to support the brand through marketing activities. When assessing a business proposal from a potential franchisee, Bank of Ireland Business Banking will review the proposal in as much detail as any other business. A detailed business plan will be required outlining:

  • Detailed information regarding the particular franchise and its franchisor.
  • Market and industry analysis – detailed market research supports the proposal.
  • The competition and how many like businesses operate in the market.
  • Personal information about you and your own business background.
  • Financial assessment outlining the costs of setting up, your contribution, how much you wish to borrow and what security you have to offer. Also a set of financial projections, cash flow forecasts and profit & loss projections should be included.
  • Business assessment: is this a good business concept, tried and tested and proven by a profitable pilot operation?

Together with the detailed business plan, the lender will expect that the potential franchisee has done their homework, has a deep understanding of how the business works and is ambitious and enthuastic about the concept. It is also important that the potential franchisee has approached existing franchisees to ensure that a good franchisor/franchisee relationship exists, which offers high quality support and ongoing training. A well researched local marketing plan must be in place to attract customers. Security can also be required by the bank dependent on the amount borrowed and how much is being invested as equity.

It is important that independent legal advice on the legal agreement is sought before signing. This agreement should outline the obligations of the franchisor to the franchisee, and also the obligations of the franchisee to the franchisor. It is important that professional advice is obtained from a solicitor familiar with franchising